5 Ways Women Can Refuel Daily


I’ve realized the older I get the more I feel time speeds up. Seriously. I remember the day I received my high school diploma and anticipated college as if it were yesterday. Now, I live half way across the U.S., am married, and am hitting the big 30 while adjusting to the reality of crow’s feet.

Time is consistent, neither stopping nor waiting for anyone. Before I know it, my week is over and no matter how much I do, I feel one of two ways: Tired and accomplished or tired and unaccomplished.

I forget about myself and my needs and replace them with meeting other’s needs, wants, and expectations. As women, we are often pulled in so many directions that we often find ourselves on the brink of burnout. While meeting the needs of others isn’t a bad thing, lacking within is. This spiral continues to drain us day after day, week after week, year after year.

Then it occurred to me while driving home from work with hunger pangs and a list of “to-do’s” that I don’t like this spiral! It’s not the way I want to live my life nor is it the life God intended for me. I want to live a life with purpose on purpose, but in order to do this effectively I must make myself a priority.

Whatever season of life we are in, we have many God-given qualities to offer ourselves and others, but if we aren’t feeding ourselves daily then we can’t give what we don’t have. As one professor once told me, “If you can’t be good to yourself, you can’t be good to anyone else.”

Below are 5 areas we can rejuvenate daily. Although I must say it’s not realistic to implement all these methods every single day, I aim to do so and have found myself to be less drained and more fulfilled in life and purpose as a result of doing so.

1. Grow Your Mind. Read a blog post, a portion of a book, or a magazine. You may be interested in gardening, parenting, or cooking. Whatever topics excite you  – read up on it. As for me, I read about marriage, money, God, psychology, etc. Grow your knowledge on matters you are passionate about. Side note: Few things are more fascinating than a classy, educated woman.

2. Be with someone you love. Spending quality time (whether it be 5 minutes or an hour) with someone you love does wonders for your day. Positive relationships are imperative to our physical and mental health, and stimulate us to be better individuals. That in mind, make it a priority to invest in your interpersonal relationships. We all lead busy, busy lives with so much clouding out our schedules that it’s easy to forget about the important people in our lives. Life is too short not to invest in those we love and appreciate.


3. Exercise. After a work out, have you ever wished you didn’t? Of course not! After, you feel like you can conquer the world! Do the exercises you like so you are more prone to continue to do them – whether it be palates, running, or walking. Exercising not only helps maintain weight or weight-loss, but it helps reduce stress, improve mood, boost energy…need I continue?


4. Pray. Prayer is a practical method of simply communicating and connecting with God. Maybe you can relate, but I have spent too much of my life embracing insecurity, doubt, fear, anxiety, and un- forgiveness – believing this was simply part of life. However, through my years, I’ve come to the understanding that this is not God’s purpose for me, or for you. Security, peace, confidence, forgiveness and so much more come through prayer. Spend time in daily prayer – life change and rejuvenation will follow.

5. Do Something You Love. Yes, do something you love, and the key is  not to feel guilty about not doing something else such as laundry or dishes. Whether it be reading, painting, photography, baking, or completing a dyi inspired from pinterest – do what  you love! We are beautifully and wonderfully created with lovely talents and passions. Life is a delicate span of time to work hard, but also play and seize the opportunity to do what you love.


I hope these ideas help to rejuvenated you as they have for me.

As always, thanks for reading.

Caffeinated Love,


How I Lost 130 Lbs in 18 Months

Once upon a time I stepped on the scale with much fret and uncertainty, and found the dreadful high number of 260 lbs scream out at me.

Talk about hard reality check!!! It occurred to me that I needed to change my life in terms of health although I was not sure what this life style change would all encompass.


Bridesmaid in my friend’s wedding in 2009

I am often asked the question how I lost weight, and I think secretly people hope that I tell them about a “magic” pill I took or that I worked out 30 minutes a day and binged afterwards (I know I hoped for the same when I used to ask others who lost weight prior to me losing mine).

The reality of losing weight weighs on three elements: eating, exercise and mindset. Initially, those words are equivalent to nails scratching a chalkboard, I know. But before you stop reading now…. a healthy lifestyle is attainable for anyone!


Under Grad Class trip in 2007

At the very beginning of my journey, I  wrote down 5 things I knew I needed to implement in my lifestyle to help me attain good health. I’d like to share them with you in hopes of it benefiting you as it did me. Feel free to take on these methods and individualize them to make them your own.

1. Believe in yourself. Our minds are an absolutely powerful tool that determine whether or not we will accomplish our goal(s). If we do not believe in ourselves then our goals are impossible to conquer. Often times, we are limited or unlimited by our thoughts, fears, and worries which can, in essence, consume us. The mind must change before the body can ever transform.

Ways I implemented #1: It’s was a daily routine of “self-talk”, internalizing the positivity others spoke to me, and my personal devotional time that helped me to really believe in myself throughout my weight-loss journey.

2. Cut out at least 3 of your favorite go-to foods or habits. Yes, three. You may cut out 10 things if you’d like, however, most people feel overwhelmed (including myself) with many commitments/goals at one time so it’s easier to focus on a few and be persistent in those. Whatever those habits or foods are you know you need to cut – CUT them out. They are in the way of your good health, therefore, they aren’t worth the time of day!

Ways I implemented #2: I cut out my daily venti white chocolate mocha. I also learned how to say “no” when I was invited out to eat. Lastly, I did not eat past 6pm (my absolutely hardest habit to let go of). Of course, your barriers may be different. Maybe yours is fast food or sodas, or chocolate cake, or…. yes, it is what you are thinking about right now.


Our wedding in 2013.

3. Have a consistent workout schedule. Consistency is key! Yes, this is challenging. We all have busy lives and excuses as to why we can’t workout. You have to make a decision – give up before you start or do the workout. Sure, you may feel silly or intimidated at first using gym equipment, but Keep.Going.Every.Workout.Counts.

Ways I implemented #3: I went to the gym 9-10:30pm Monday-Friday consistently. When I moved away for grad school in the last portion of my weight-loss journey,  I bought a workout video for toning and would take the triplets (I was a nanny) running for cardio. 

4. Drink your water!!! H2O is so important as it: improves skin complexion, keeps you hydrated, reduces hunger, and last but not least, flushes out toxins which in result helps one to lose weight! Start off with drinking 1 liter of water per day throughout the day. After about a week or two, up your intake to 2 liters.

Ways I implemented #4: I drank TONS of water daily!


Space Needle in 2014

5. Have a “comfort” meal (an unhealthy meal of your choice). My absolute favorite part of the week! Comfort meals are necessary, especially when you have had a long week of workouts and healthy meals. It’s nice to look forward to that one meal each week where you can eat your favorite foods with no guilt attached. When you know there is a comfort meal in the near future, you are more likely to wait for it rather than cave in and binge. So go ahead… indulge and delight in it.

Ways I implemented #5: Every Sunday after church, I would go with family and friends to a local Mexican restaurant. I would indulge in chips and homemade salsa as an appetizer and get a large beef and chicken, extra cheese quesadilla. Don’t judge.

Although I have added other elements in my journey of good health, the five methods above were always my foundation in my journey. It’s been about 3 years now since I hit my weight loss goal, and it’s a daily decision make my health a priority.  There are good days and bad days as we all can relate, but good health is attainable and worth the process.

As always, thanks for reading.

Caffeinated Love,
